Top Latest 2020 Technology


        Human Augmentation

The human augmentation also called or known as human enhancement
basically focuses on creating perceptional and physical improvements
in the human body.Ever the adaptive species, human beings have long used technology to
augment their natural capabilities.This aim of enhancing human will bring human condition to move beyond of their good health.Today, humans use electronic and mechanical technology to physically augment their bodies. This is done attaching or implanting some type of device to improve their capability to go beyond the current human experience.This requires a rethinking into the therapeutic(curing) goals of medicine.There are various types of enhancement by human symptoms are  as given below:

Physical Enhancement
Personality Enhancement
Cosmetic Enhancement
Cognitive Enhancement

Physical Enhancement

Physical enhancement techniques aim at enhancing one or more physical functions of human beings.The study of physical enhancement provides an ideal starting point for the interdisciplinary Redefined Destinies Conversation examination of the intersection between law and science.Technologies is use to enhance human bodies and minds raise.  It also reduce human task time increase consistency reduce injuries.

Personality Enhancement

personality enhancement is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts,feeling and behaviors that make a person unique.
in personality enhancement their are to perception
  •   INITIAL , SUSTAINED                                                 

   Cosmetic Enhancement

Cosmetic surgery has provided many residents allover southern California
with facial rejuvenation,body contouring giving individuals more confidence to lead healthy
happy live.
Body image is the mental picture individuals have in their mind's eye of how they appear to others.
   Cognitive  Enhancement 

Cognitive enhancement is commonly associated with drug use or the use of devices to improve cognition, technologies that have on the whole been established in laboratory animals or through a history of use in humans.Exceeding current cognitive limitation will require both technological and progression.It also help to interventions in the brain that improve attention, concentration, and information processing in executive functions such as reasoning and decision-making.

        Edge Computing

Edge computing brings data storage and computation closer to the businesses, and hence, ameliorates the response times and saves bandwidth it  is a distributed computing framework that brings enterprise applications closer to data sources.Edge computing harnesses growing in-device computing capability to provide deep insights and predictive analysis in near-real time. This increased analytics capability in edge devices can power innovation to improve quality and enhance value faster insights, improved response times and better bandwidth availability. Its helps you unlock the potential of the vast untapped data that’s created by connected devices.

Edge computing is quickly making an impact on the world. Implementing edge solutions can help IT teams identify the architectural design changes needed to mirror changes that are happening at the application layer.Modern edge computing significantly extends this approach through virtualization technology that makes it easier to deploy and run a wider range of applications on the edge servers.It is transforming the way data is being handled, processed, and delivered from millions of devices around the world.Faster networking technologies, such as 5G wireless, are allowing for edge computing systems to accelerate the creation or support of real-time applications.It also less the price of gaining the data Importantly by classify each data from the management perspective. As data can be gain in edge locations, it significantly decrease the bandwidth cost but eliminates all the redundant storage.

Due to the near of the analytical resources to the end users, sophisticated analytical tools and Artificial Intelligence tools can work on the edge of the system. This placement at the edge helps to increase operational efficiency and contributes many advantages to the system.It has great security and privacy because of its encryption mechanism.

In My Next Blog I Will Tell You About More Advance & New Technologies Of 2020......


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