5G the name it self show the power in it today we're going to take a look at what 5G is, why it's better than 4G,and which companies are leading the 5G charge. 5G is a new cellular wireless standard that guarantee to bring faster internet speeds to mobile devices and lead more services to market.  


But what is 5G exactly

The logic stands for the fifth generation standard or 5G for mobile telecommunications.5G utilize a higher frequency band of wireless spectrum known as millimeter.The signals that allows data to be transferred much faster than the lower frequency band devoted to 4G. One of the key benefits from this new wireless standard is that 5G speeds will be up to 100X faster than 4G, and it will help make new services and technologies that wouldn't be workable without it. Taking a example that, the extensive Internet of Things industry will require faster and more reliable networks to bring  driver-less cars, industrial automation,which will connected smart cities, which are all in their initiate stages right now. Some approximate put the total amount of worldwide Internet of Things devices at 75 billion by 2025.


Many companies  have already started taking steps to get there for development in data network. Verizon is  launching 5G in 30 cities by the end of this year,and has already flipped the 5G switch in several large metro areas. The company has a lot of inducement to get 5G up in the market and run that  as fast as possible, considering the new wireless standard’s massive potential. The CEO of Verizon's consumer division has said that by 2035, 5G will enable $12.3 trillion of worldwide economic output and support 22 million jobs worldwide. But Verizon isn't the only U.S. carrier that's betting on 5G. AT&T ready & launched 5G services in a handful of cities and plans to bring 5G to 21 markets by the end of 2019. But still if wireless transport were able to turn on 5G nationwide tomorrow, it wouldn't build much of a difference. That's because right now, there is only a several of 5G phones available.NO one made any mistake,5G is just around the corner for U.S. buyers, but between network build-outs and the slow release of 5G devices, most of us won't have entry to it until later next year at the earliest.While the U.S. was closer to 5G than always before,China is also making way towards 5G as well. The U.S. and China as vision is 5G as a potential technology battleground, with both countries working to become the undeniable leader for the new wireless standard. Before ending of 2019, China will have about 150,000 5G cellular sites up and running, while the U.S. will have just a little of that. One of the reasons China will be able to spend its 5G coverage so quickly is because the Chinese government is making it as a top priority. China's government and wireless transporter are all working together to get 5G up and running. If it make good, China will have more 5G users than any other country by  ending of 2020.


The Base line is that 5G is almost here,and it will be a massive step forward for internet connected devices. the user will get the benefits of 5G by having lightning-fast mobile internet, and companies will benefit by offering more connected services than ever before.


 I Firmly believe that the automotive and transportation industry is going through the biggest revolution Probably in a hundred years. Autonomous vehicles, unlike some other trends out there, are a trend that must happen. We've got to make this one happen. Over all around the globe the estimates are that about 1.25 million people are killed per year on the roads and highways 1.25 million. Estimates also show that driver error causes 90 to 95 percent of those accidents. So with autonomous vehicles, we can significantly reduce the driver error issues. You know, I said that's a lot of hype about autonomous vehicles, and they are a few years away. Some people predict They're many, many years away - you know 20-30 plus years. And that may be true. It's hard to predict when these technology trends will happen. But I've been around the auto industry a long time, and I'm seeing some forces aligned now that I've never, ever seen in my career, in my history. Some of the forces they're lining right now are the technology: Things like sensor technology, computing power and all the software technologies. Things like the companies involved every OEMs doing it and so many startup companies are doing this as well So you have so many companies in this game here. Along with that comes of money. There's just a lot of money being poured into autonomous vehicles, and money can help make things happen. And then you get governmental support behind it. You know, not every technology trend has the support of governments. There are so many forces aligning right now that I just think this technology change Is going to happen sooner than a lot of people predict, and sooner than some of the other changes out there. When it comes down to an autonomous vehicle, it really does three basic functions. It senses things. It has a sense the environment. Then it has to think An autonomous vehicle has to think in the way of a human does. You know, is that person going to step out into the road? Is that car in front of me accelerating or decelerate? And then you have to act. You have to take that information and act on it and say, alright, do I need a break? Do I need a steer? Do I need to accelerate? So an autonomous vehicle comes down to those Street basic processes: sensing, thinking, and acting. So today's engineers, tomorrow's engineers, really need to have that full set of mechanical design skills, electronic design skills, and software development skills. I advise any new engineer in college or moving on into their career to look at bringing in as much knowledge and experience in those three years as you can, because all Three of those areas are hugely needed in the future, and they all interact so much in the future that you really need to have some mastery of all three of those areas.


 Mobility has come a long way. And now we are here, on the doorstep of a new era: AUTONOMOUS DRIVING providing innovative technology for your next step. To manage with the infinite possibilities of real-world traffic situations, data collected from all sensors drives your development. With the help of artificial intelligence, we use this data to create an hugely detailed virtual world, which is required to validate autonomous driving functions. A world, that challenges a digital twin of the car with every thinkable situation. We start with a base scenario that the autonomous car can master. Then we unleash complexity and allow for changes,  like weather,  pedestrians,  or traffic – and smart algorithms create a multitude of variations for this scenario. To explore the myriad of simulated worlds, we use high-performance cloud computing with virtually unlimited resources. And finally, the key learning's return as renovate to the real cars in the real world. dSPACE offers you consistent testing conditions and seamless validation for your specific requirements  no matter what part of autonomous driving you are working on. To create a car that meets all safety requirements, we provide you the support you need to prepare for homogenization. So, let’s bring autonomous driving on the roads dSPACE – your partner in simulation and validation. 



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