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 FLYING CAR     Stuck in a traffic jam and about to be late for work, who hasn't dream of a way to get somewhere by skirting all the unnecessary chaos Hmm, right now, there seems to be no way to avoid traffic congestion. But in less than 10 years, you're likely to forget what that is! Urban Air Mobility experts predict that one-day, your way to work will take minutes instead of hours thanks to air taxi. But the best news is that it may happen way sooner than you thought, around 2023 - 2025! And by 2040, you won't remember the days when you couldn’t get anywhere by air. The surprising truth is that most technologies needed for creating air taxis are already here. Even more, today there are already air taxi prototypes and test vehicles! They look like drones, but way bigger. The engineers of these flying machines state that they're going to be less harmful to the environment than the fuel-powered cars we use today. Flying taxis will move with the help of either hybrid or

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